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Graph Database Client for Node.js & TypeScript

Community project by Liberation Data.


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Get Ready!
You're about to obtain supernatural graph database powers.


holy cow

What is Drivine?

Drivine is a graph database driver for Node.js and TypeScript implemented on top of the NestJS platform. It is designed to support multiple graph databases (simultaneously, if you wish) and to scale to hundreds or thousands of transactions per second. It allows you to meet these goals without compromising architectural integrity.

Drivine provides a sweet-spot level of abstraction, with management and object to graph mapping (OGM) features. This includes the following:

  • Manages infrastructure concerns, such as obtaining and releasing connections and sessions.
  • Facilitates implementation of repositories, which can be injected into services. Your code adheres to single responsibility principle (SRP).
  • Supports declarative, decorator-driven transactions.
  • Supports streaming.
  • Maps and transforms query results onto typed entities or models. Drivine makes an important distinction with regards to its mapping approach. This will be detailed below.

Connection Management:

The library contains a persistence manager interface:

export interface PersistenceManager {

    query<T>(spec: QuerySpecification<T>): Promise<T[]>;

    getOne<T>(spec: QuerySpecification<T>): Promise<T>;

    maybeGetOne<T>(spec: QuerySpecification<T>): Promise<T | undefined>;

    openCursor<T>(spec: QuerySpecification<T>): Promise<Cursor<T>>;

It is the job of the persistence manager to obtain a connection, using database details that are registered when the library is bootstrapped, or at runtime. It will use pooling if this entails a performance benefit on the given database platform.


Repositories are a common pattern of structuring object-oriented code, in order to adhere to single responsibility principle (SRP). They logically group database operations for a particular type of entity.

Simply by using composition, the PersistenceManager can be used to implement repositories. Here is an example:

export class HealthRepository {

    constructor(@InjectPersistenceManager() readonly persistenceManager: PersistenceManager) {}

    async countAllVertices(): Promise<number> {

        return this.persistenceManager.getOne<number>(new QuerySpecification(`match (n) return count(n)`));


Just as repositories can be composed using a PersistenceManager, so services can be composed using repositories. But what about transactions? When analyzing the functional and non-functional requirements of a system, transactions fall under what is known as a cross-cutting concern. They are called as such because they’re required in many places. In other words, they cut across many modules.

Requirements like these don’t fit well with pure object-oriented programming because they can compromise efforts to adhere to SRP. Imagine implementing a service method that is all about transferring funds, and then adding transaction behaviors. Now add security. And then audit. Before too long, the class that neatly represented a single role has become a mess.

Fortunately, transactional concerns can easily be modularized in TypeScript using Decorators, a kind of higher-order function that wraps the original function, in our case with transactional concerns applied.

Apply the Transactional() decorator to transactional methods.

export class RouteRepository {

        @InjectPersistenceManager() readonly persistenceManager: PersistenceManager,
        @InjectCypher(__dirname, 'routesBetween') readonly routesBetween: CypherStatement) {}

    async findFastestBetween(start: string,destination: string): Promise<Route> {
        return this.persistenceManager.getOne(
            new QuerySpecification<Route>()
                .bind([start, destination])

By default the decorator will start a new transaction if one does not exist. Otherwise it will participate in an existing transaction. When the outermost transactional method completes, the entire stack will be committed. Meanwhile, if an error is thrown, the transaction is rolled back.

We can now compose transactional services from one or more repositories as follows:

export class TransferService {

    constructor(readonly accountRepo: AccountRepository) {}

    async transfer(sourceId: string, targetId: string, amount: number): Promise<void> {

        const sourceAccount = await this.accountRepo.findById(sourceId);
        await this.accountRepo.update(sourceAccount);

        // Throws Error! Invalid Id!
        const targetAccount = await this.accountRepo.findById(targetId);
        await this.accountRepo.update(targetRepo);

In the above example, if the targetId is invalid, all data operations are rolled back. Otherwise a commit is performed when the outermost transactional method completes. Note that we used normal error handling - implementing boiler-plate code was not required and code clearly represented a single task.


It is well and good to assemble an application where transactional services are made up from an aggregate of repositories. However, for some use-cases the volume of data is too large to be buffered in a single result set.

Fortunately the PersistenceManager that we saw earlier provides the ability to open a Cursor<T>, which provides two kinds of streaming capabilities.

Let’s explore. In the example below, the repository method promises to return a Cursor for a Route.

async findRoutesBetween(start: string, destination: string): Promise<Cursor<Route>> {
    return this.persistenceManager.openCursor(
        new CursorSpecification<Route>()
            .bind([start, destination])

Cursors are AsyncIterable

Cursor<T> implements AsyncIterable. This means that it can be used with a 'for await...of' statement. During the execution of the loop, results will be pullled in batches, until the upstream is depleted.

const cursor = await repo.asyncRoutesBetween('Cavite Island', 'NYC');
for await (const item of cursor) {
    // The cursor will read more results, executing
    // database reads, until the stream is consumed.

Cursors can pose as a Readable stream

Besides AsyncIterable cursors turn themselves into a Readable stream. Why would we need this? AsyncIterable is helpful, but it may lead to problems when a tight loop is pushing data into a stream, such as a file-stream. Even though data is pulled in batches, pushing too quickly into a stream will cause problems. The following example could potentially crash:

const cursor = await repo.asyncRoutesBetween('Cavite Island', 'NYC');
for await (const item of cursor) {
    const result = fs.write(item);

Don't overload stream buffers - this is signified when fs.write(item) returns false. If you ignore this warning and continue, your application can crash. The solution is as follows:

await StreamUtils.untilClosed(fileStream);

Now new information will be pulled from the cursor as needed. It is the sink stream (filestream) that will coordinate this, and at the rate at which it can handle.

Object Mapping:

Drivine provides graph-to-object mapping facilities, however, as described in the introduction, due to its design goal of optimal performance it differentiates from the most typical approaches.

In a typical application that uses an ORM or OGM:

  • Generalised entities - a network of classes that represent things in our domain are defined.
  • Instances of these domain entities are loaded. The OGM tool generates queries for this on our behalf.
  • Having loaded instances of our generalised entities, information is plucked and mapped onto use-case specific payload objects.

Trouble Ahead:

The approach can work, however when an application needs to be highly scaleable, several problems are entailed:

  • There is an overhead to the mapping, both in terms of implementation effort as well as runtime performance cost.
  • Because the queries are system-generated, there is limited opportunity to efficiently undertake performance tuning.
  • Similarly, because the entities are generalized, it is unlikely that the the generated queries will be the optimal ones for a specific use-case.
  • Finally, it is an unfortunate truth that the main benefit of generalised entities, a rich set of expressive objects is usually forgone. We end up with an Anemic Domain Model, which Martin Fowler writes about here.

In the referenced article, Mr Fowler states that he is not sure why the anemic domain model anti-pattern is so predominant. In my opinion, one primary cause is that most ORM/OGM tools do not offer to inject service dependencies onto the entities. In order to exhibit richer, more expressive behavior, entities will surely collaborating services to assist in that. To support rich models, the OGM tool can offer to inject registered services, so that this entities have an opportunity to provide expressive behaviors and not just holders of data. A future version of Drivine may offer to do this.

In the meantime, whatever the cause, it still does nothing to address the first four points, so let's explore . .

Object Mapping - Drivine Approach:

In order to benefit from cleanly architected code that can scale to many thousands of transactions per second, Drivine takes the following approach:

  • Queries are defined by you in a self-contained file. Because they are self-contained, they can be modified, formatted, tested and tuned easily using the tool of your choice. I personally like IntelliJ’s Graph Database Support.
  • Queries are injected to be used in repositories with a decorator.
  • Rather than defining a generalised set of entities, focus on use-case specific scenarios that project or update a sub-graph from the underlying whole graph. You can extract generalised entities later on, however avoid big design up-front.

What can be mapped:

We can need perform type-coercion of dates, numbers or enums. We can load a set of related entities into a type. Object mapping is provided by the class transformer.

export class Route {
    readonly start: string;
    readonly destination: string;
    readonly metros: string[];
    @Expose({ name: 'travel_time' })
    readonly travelTime: number;

    @Type(() => Photo)
    readonly significantSites: Photo[];

    constructor(start: string, destination: string, metros: string[], travelTime: number) {
        this.start = start;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.metros = metros;
        this.travelTime = travelTime;

     * Returns metros omitting the start and destination.
    intermediateMetros(): string[] {
        const result = [...this.metros];
        return result;


To test transactional methods, we need to initialize the Drivine within the test context. Here's how:

it('should return the fastest route between start and dest ', async () => {
    return inDrivineContext().withTransaction({rollback: true}).run(async () => {
        const result = await request(app.getHttpServer())


Optionally, we can run integration and end-to-end tests run inside a roll-back transaction. This is useful when testing against shared data and/or when testing transactional database operations in parallel. Within the test it is possible to read and make assertions upon uncommitted data, after which it is rolled back, restoring the database to a clean state.

Bootsrapping All Tests:

Avoid repetition. It is possible to run all tests for a given spec with Drivine, by adding RunWithDrivine() at the top of the spec:

describe('RouteRepository', () => {
    let repo: RouteRepository;

    beforeAll(async () => {
        const app: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
            imports: [AppModule],
            providers: [RouteRepository],
            controllers: []
        repo = app.get(RouteRepository);

    it('should find routes between two cities, ordered by most expedient', async () => {
        const results = await repo.findRoutesBetween('Cavite Island', 'NYC');


Design Goals & Features


Support multiple graph databases - simultaneously, if you wish! Currently Neo4j and AgensGraph.

Support distributed transactions - even across different typed databases.

Scale to hundreds and thousands of transactions per second, without compromising architectural integrity.

Facilitates the use of well understood object-oriented and functional programming patterns.

Supports implementation of code that adheres to a single responsibility principle (SRP).

Takes care of infrastructure concerns, so that you can focus on making the most of your data.

Removes boiler plate code, especially the tedious and error-prone kind.

Supports streaming, without back-pressure.

Large amounts of data can be managed in a timely and memory efficient manner..

Light-weight use-case specific object graph mapping (OGM).

Battle-tested — used in high-traffic production applications.

Drivine helps reduce operational and R&D costs by supporting thousands of transactions per second on cleanly architected code.


Read More About Us

Graph database koans, for typical use-cases - recommendations, social networks, etc
Each presented in a Drivine style.

Quick Start

Have you seen the light?
Use this starter template to get rolling quickly!


Demonstrates how to bootstrap Drivine.

Shows how Drivine takes care of boiler-plate code.

Demonstrates declarative transaction management.

Shows how to implement repositories, optionally with streaming.

Contains graph database koans for common use-cases, like recommendations, routing, social, etc.

Running the sample

Clone this repository, open it up in your favourite IDE or editor.

Set up either Neo4j or AgensGraph.

First time to use a graph database? You can start testing Drivine right now with Neo4j sandbox.

Define a .env file based on .env.example which contains database authentication credentials.

Proceed to the exercises here.

Start using Drivine! Check out the User Guide.


Read More About Us

" . . . inspired through past experience as a Spring Framework committer,
including on Spring Data Neo4j” — Jasper Blues

Meet The Contributors

The order of the divine driver needs you! Bayesian inference or other necromancy skills are not required. Supernatural powers will be conferred.



Passionate about graph databases and networkscience. Self taught musician & mathematician. Open-source veteran.

I Need

High Preistess

You're a little intimidating, what with the RBF and those arcane spells and all. And you're way smarter than me. You're on my team!

Not Just


Life is death. Death is Life. Teach the deserving. Teach with Passion. You will guide us.

And You


In all honesty, you're a pretty freaky guy. None of your jokes make any sense. But you get stuff done. We need you and you got the job, Shaman.

I Didn't
Forget You!

Choir Boy

We're putting the band back together. People wonder if the Bard adds all that much. You and I know that none of this would be possible without you.

Drivine is sponsored by Liberation Data and led by
Jasper Blues.

It’s Q&A Time!

Read More About Us

Support multiple graph databases. Simultaneously, if you wish!
Currently Neo4j and AgensGraph.

Frequently Asked Questions

Something’s not clear? Check Below!
We tried to answer any question you might have.

Q. Can I ask questions here?

A. Yes.

Please send me a tweet @doctor_cerulean and I will answer as best as I can.

Q. What license is Drivine released under?

A. Drivine is now released under the Apache 2.0 Software License.

Q. How much does it cost ?

A. Nothing! It is free. Just enjoy it.

Q. Do you offer commercial support?

A. If you like, however you probably don't need it :) Drivine, has been deployed in highly demanding production systems and has a growing community of users. It is a free and open-source project. If you would like to submit a feature request, please submit one on the github page. If you're not sure how to do something Drivine related, you may raise a question under the drivine tag on StackOverflow.

Q. Can Drivine support multi-tenanted Neo4j v4 applications ?

A. Yes it can, you can use Drivine to access multiple databases under the one code-base. These can be registered up-front or dynamically.